Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pilipinas Shell responds to Bureau of Customs complaint

Dear friends, You may have heard about the new case filed by the Bureau of Customs (Customs) against Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation. Below is an article published today by Shell in the Philippine Daily Inquirer and the Philippine Star to provide the public more information.

I encourage you to read more and know more about the issues before making your conclusions about Shell and its employees...

Reunions: 15 Years since "Kiddie School" Part 1

It was the sudden passing of Paul, one of our elementary school batchmates that convinced us to push through with a grand reunion.  He was 28.

Paul is the first boy from the right on the front row.

Someone had posted one of our class pictures on Facebook, tagged everyone and began a riot reminiscing spree. Soon a reunion party was being organized virtually. Paul was one of those who really wanted to have a reunion party.  He was even egging me to help him organize it.  A few weeks after that, we heard news of his passing...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Virlanie's "Give a Gift! Nourish a child!"

Give a Gift to Nourish a child

To commemorate its 18th anniversary, Virlanie published an 18-month calendar which runs from July 2010 to December 2011.

The calendar features 18 engaging photographs by Sebastien Cuvelier and Mark Quisquirin which show a glimpse of the lessons Virlanie learned from the children they care for. This calendar is the perfect Christmas gift that would surely brighten up the day of your friends and family. Proceeds will help nourish street children.

Call Dana at (02) 895 3460 to get a calendar! See the ad below...

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Home, Happiness, and Häagen-Dazs

A House is not a Home

"I am a city boy who works in the province", goes the first line of my blogger profile.  That means on top of the stressful days and nights in the office writing reports and beating deadlines, or working under the scorching heat of the sun especially during plant maintenance shutdowns, I go home to an empty room, have to cook for myself and eat while having a one way conversation with the television. Blah. Bleh. Blah.

Because of this, my weekends have become all the more focused not only on recharging and relaxation, but more importantly, spending quality time with my loved ones. The 2-hour rush home is always a build up of increasing excitement... and the best way arrive Home is with some awesome "pasalubong", of course!

Awesome Pasalubong! Häagen-Dazs Caramel Biscuit & Cream

I don't know anyone in my family who can resist some rich Häagen-Dazs ice cream, so when I heard that there was a new flavor out - Häagen-Dazs Caramel Biscuit & Cream - I just had to get a pint!  My weekend was slowly melting into happiness...