Monday, September 17, 2007


A few blogs ago, I wrote about my weird affinity to the number 11 and the fact that I always see it on clocks. At the time, I was just mildly amused by it, not thinking that it was really anything at all. But then Stippy left a comment on that blog entry:

Stip said...
according to one book i've read, people with extraordinary cognitive abilities always catch double digits on their digital clocks without meaning to do so. "extraordinary cognitive abilities" includes abstract intuition (you somehow know that doing something is the best thing, but you can't explain it), premonitions, psychic and third-eye abilities. =)
So I looked it up on the internet, and true enough, there were several websites dedicated to 11:11! Akalain mo yun... And here's what they said:

These 11:11 Wake-Up Calls on your digital clocks, mobile phones, VCR’s and microwaves are the "trademark" prompts of a group of just 1,111 fun-loving Spirit Guardians, or Angels.

Once they have your attention, they will use other digits, like 12:34, or 2:22 to remind you of their presence. Invisible to our eyes, they are very real.Our earthly 1,111 Spirit Guardians, often called "Midwayers," have been assisting folks of all walks of life for many centuries.

I saw 11:11 again tonight on my car clock, just as I got in to go home. I don't really believe it, but maybe I'll try to see how often I catch 11:11.

Some points for argument: Why are people with digital clocks so privileged to get spiritual beings and such? How about the people who don't ever see digital numbers?

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