Friday, September 14, 2007

Moving On

A few days ago, a friend of mine (Ms. Q) received a message on her Multiply saying that she's ugly and it came from a guy (Mr. A) who used to be a trainee in our school organization but quit because of personal reasons (ehem..).

After much discussion on Ms. Q's site how Mr. A is a loser and hypocrite, etc., Mr. A apologized and claimed that his account was hacked into and that he wasn't the one who wrote on Ms. Q's multiply site. End of story.

The reason I'm blogging about it is this: Ms. Q sent me an SMS about the alleged message on her site and said, "To think ikaw ang nagpahirap sa kanya, at hindi ako!" In a way, that IS true...and so this got me to thinking, how many people out there would send me a hate message if they could, all those trainees who quit because of me? Off the top of my head, I know only about 4 people ("Hindi ako babalik habang andyan pa si..!!!"), but there could be others.

So, I thought, had my strict, perfectionist approach to performance arts become so overbearing that trainees crumbled and quit under my tutelage? Lalim. Haha! I knew that I was strict. But I also knew that if you wanted to attain a certain standard of excellence in performance, you have to work hard for it. I had a lot of trainees who quit during the process, but there were those who survived their traineeship and became really good performers, and really loyal members.

The thing is, the stage is a cruel place: it will not show your audience how hard you practiced for your song, or how many sleepless nights you endured to memorize your dance. When you're on the stage, all that matters is what you do there and then. No, it's not fair, but nothing ever really is...

I am not trying to justify that I had done in the past, I know I hurt a lot of egos. But I do hope that they have all learned from their experience and moved on. Hopefully I won't receive any hate messages anytime soon!

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