*** The Honest Scrap Award is bestowed upon a fellow blogger
whose blog’s content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant! ***
I received this award from Fren over at Because It's Human Nature to Communicate where she wrote that my blog was "a very informative, flexible and a jovial blog, authored by a fellow UPian; a link from Chase Images; ‘bet you, you’ll be amused at the many choices and links you’re about to see because of his excellent blog presentation.:)"
Thanks Fren!
The Rules?
When accepting this auspicious award, you must:
- Write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to said person so everyone knows he or she is real.
- Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have 7 friends. Show the 7 random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Weblog.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon.
- List at least ten honest things about yourself and make it interesting!! Then, pass it on!
I chose these 7 bloggers to pass this award to (and I'm hoping they haven't already received this before because they have such great blogs...). Actually, I don't really know some of them personally, so I'm not sure if they will be able to pick this up, and I suppose it's OK if they don't. But it would be great if they do. Haha. Anyway, here are my blog picks...
1. Coffee Messiah - who was the inspiration behind my Coffee addiction post. He has captured an audience, not just of coffee addicts, but of so many others because of his really interesting posts. He was also recently recognized on Bloggers' Blogs of Note.
2. Coachblogger - who I am giving this award to in the hopes that it goes from a string of mommy bloggers (see explanation at the end of this post!) to a string of daddy bloggers. Haha! A lot of stories and movies have been told about single moms but not a lot about single dads. Here he blogs about the life of a single dad with 4 beautiful girls, and he's a high school football coach too!
3. The Wild Onion Cafe - I wandered into this blog through some links, and left a crazy little comment. Then I was very graciously welcomed by the bloggers that run it. For being a truly warm and welcome place for new(ly revived) bloggers like me, I am awarding them an Honest Scrap award. I suggest you give them a visit!
4. Atheista - a former Tabangao-er and 2008 winner of the Philippine Blog Awards. His posts are intelligent and reflective, and definitely worth a visit.
5. Bikoy - Bikoy is a young student currently a freshman at the University I went to. His life, his views are common in UP Diliman and shared by a lot of other students. My political views are not as pointed as his or Atheista's (I never went to demonstrations or rallies) but I am nevertheless interested to hear what they have to say. It keeps me informed and educated. Plus,it's always great fun to read about UP and reminisce about college life. ;)
6. Magnifique_f8h - My high school batchmate and friend so has this very well maintained blog which I used to visit so often. I am trying to catch up and read up! She describes herself as: Coffee addict, procrastinates, loves a lot, hurts a lot, idealist.
7. The Brownian Motion of a Photoplankton - This is the blog of a colleague and friend who recently had his first baby with his wife. He is a smart, honest, passionate and wonderful writer. Perfect for the Honest Scrap award!
* * * * * * * *
To complete the award, here are 10 honest things about me:
1. I get easily annoyed with bad service and have reprimanded many waiters, guards, salesladies, concierges, and other service people...
2. I truly, honestly believe that I was 11th place on the Mechanical Engineering Licensure Exams (but they only announce the Top 10)! Haha!
3. I always-always mistake "sinigang" (a kind of Filipino soup dish) and "sinangag" (one way to cook rice) even when I pause to think about which word to use. I also always mistake Bicol and Bohol (they both begin with "B"!).
4. I overanalyze everything. EVERYTHING.
5. I used to sing (understatement! more like do a concert...) in the shower all the time, but now I don't anymore. I just sing (and dance too sometimes) in my car while I drive.
6. I have tried to get six pack abs every year for 5 years now. But I still don't have six pack abs.
7. I was an achiever as a child and am still trying to return to my former glory.
*edited 07-Feb-09 to complete the 10 honest things! i fell asleep while making this and I forgot all about it...
8. Ironing also relaxes my brain, but going to a spa is way better. Haha.
9. I sleeptalk. zzz.
10. I was born on a syzygy! (On the evening of March 10, 1982 there was a rare celestial event where Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn would be on the same side of the Sun, within a 95 degree wide interval. I was born on that night, at the stroke of midnight on March 11. (hence the title of this blog...)
Aside from giving this award away, I wanted to trace back the origins of this award to as far back as I can starting of course with the one who gave me this award. It was quite amusing to find that I came upon this blog award after a long, looong line of Mommy Bloggers!
Here goes! Born on a Syzygy > Because It's Human Nature to Communicate > kayni's corner cafe > witsandnuts > Intricate Thoughts > Niko's Blog > The Baby in Between > Pensive Thoughts > The Mommy Journey > Make or Break > The Breathing Post > Momma Young at Home > Misadventures in Baby Raising > Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History Janana Bee > Sometimes Lucid > La Mom > Under the Influence > Adlibby on the Loose... > Delightfully Inappropriate > PINKNIC > C'est What?? > shop girl's blog > Stuff I Think About > Mainly Mandy > A peek at Karen's World > Good things come to those who blog > stil more to come!

The Cafe thanks you!
ReplyDeletehi reyjr, thanks for the birthday thoughts. with the scrap award you've posted, i and your other blog's followers (and the rest of your readers as well) got to know you more with these 'honest things' about you.:)and... welcome to the circle. :)
ReplyDeleteI mean welcome to MY circle of... blogs.:)
ReplyDeleteOne thing you do not know, perhaps 2, is, before BON, I had already told some people I was cutting back and perhaps not blogging anymore. Then Bam, here I am. I will find time to do this, but of course not the same way, 'cause I'm very contrary, although it may not seem obvious.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant? Yikes, not me, but Thanks for the gesture and will find a day coming up to post something in regards to this very kind thought ; )
Cheers! And Thanks for joining in on TT too.
ReplyDeleteHow many cups of joe did you have already?!
But wait a minute! I see only 7 honest things listed about you. Where are the other 3?
And how can you sing AND dance while driving?
You are always so cheerful and upbeat.
Thanks for the visit all!
ReplyDeleteAnd for those I gave the award to, Congrats! you deserve it!
Hi! reyjr,
ReplyDeleteCongratulation!...I think that you deserve to receive "The Honest Scrap Award" which is bestowed upon a fellow blogger
whose blog’s content or design is, in the giver’s opinion, brilliant!
Once again! Congrats!
na trace mo na? :)
ReplyDeleteex link you want?
Make or Break