Welcome to the archives of Charice's Billboard Charts performance and other snippets of news. Read on and don't forget to Like this page! For corrections, please email me at admin[at]reyjr.com.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Learn how to Jejemon write! Lolz!...~ jejejeje!
Jejemon Encounters
ei0w p03Hwz!!
So, we've all had encounters with them Jejemons - from random text messages, Friendster friend requests (back in the day, you remember?), Facebook status updates, and other Social Networking site - and now they have conquered mainstream media - with a fast growing viral popularity that rivals MelaSon or OchoOcho. They are now (unfortunately) part of Philippine Culture and even in other parts of Asia.
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Anti Jejemon! |
Because of this though, I have begun having this nagging feeling that I need to learn how to write in Jejemon (or Jejenese) so that at least I will be able to understand it, if eventually it takes over our normal language. :p
Here goes... I apologize in advance for any headaches this post will induce - it's all for academic purposes. Lolz!,,,Jejejeje!~~jeje!! Read on!
Jejemons use numbers f0r lett3rs - just b3c4use th3y're cut3r!
So I started with the obvious ones, exchange letters for numbers - "a" can be "4", like with a sl4nted psychedelic look to it. Exchange "e" with "3", but not 4ll the tim3. You c4n still us3 the normal "e", sometim3s. 3xh4nge y0ur capital "G" with "6" and sm4ll "g" with "9" - it m4k3s s3nse ri9ht? You can use "2" in pl4ce of "to" or "4" inste4d 0f "for" 4nytim3 y0u f33l like y0u n33d 2 do it... 4nd finally, us3 th3 numb3r "0" instead of the letter "o", just b3caus3 it's cut3r th4t w4y. Co0l! 63ttin9 th3 h4n9 0f it n0w?
Jejemons use symbols, m4k3,,tEx+s~,,'m0r3,,iNterezt!n9~~
L3t's g0 n0w 2 symb0ls! Try usin9 "+" in pl4c3 of "t" sinc3 i+ lo0ks th3 s4me anyw4y. R3pl4cing "i" wi+h "!" is jus+ w0nd3rfully art!st!c 4nd !ngen!0us, d0n't y0u 4gr33? By th3 w4y, an "a" c4n als0 be r3pl@c3d with an @ symb0l, d3p3nd!ng 0n h0w difficult it will bec0me 2 c0mpr3hend. I m3@n, d0n'+ us3 @ wh3n y0u're wr!tin9 an 3ma!l @dd3ss!
To g3t a wave-l!ke effect on your texts, use UPPER and lower case letters alternately. And wh!l3 w3'r3 4t !t, l3t's dr0p th3 "s" 4 s0m3 w0rDz and üs3 "z" inzte4d. Zpr!nkl3 i+ ar0und y0ur s3nt3nc3z 2 mak3 it m0r3 v!br4nt aNd in+er3sting 4 th3 r3aD3r.
J3jem0nZ aLs0 uSe a Wh0le l0t of pUnCtü4t!0n m4rkz,,, iMpr0p3r ~uSa9e,,oF''c0mM4s iz f0r3m0st. ExCl4ma+i0n po!ntz aRe a müzt,,!!
S0me uzefl jejemon shorcüts!! ~~üüü
Alt + 126 = ~
Alt + 129 = ü
Alt +130 = é
Alt + 131 to 134 = âäàå
Jejemons abbrv8 much
4n0tH3r j3jeM0n wR!+N9 rUl3, If~ tH3RE Ev3r~ w@z oNe IS - AbBr3v!8! Lolz!~ sINc3~ It wuz OrI9In4llY mEanT~ 4 tXT mEsSGEz, D ShORTEnInG Of~ wOrDZ iz å MüSt~ w3lL, eSPeC!ally sinC3 åNoTH3r~ rulE oF jEjemON wRitnG iz,, d adDiN9 Of A G3NErOüZ aMOUNT of coMMaz, ElLIpseZ, nD Wha+vER~ eLse~.uSe "u" INsT3ad of "you", "d" INsteAD~ oF "the", "w/" f0r "with" aND dr0P lett3rz~ WeNeVER pOssIbLe.
Jejemons laugh heartily at every opportunity! Jejeje!
jeJemONz arE a~ Hpi BunCH. Jejejeje!! ~ thEY aRE @ctUallY nmeD dAT w4y BeC~ oF Th3ir~ VERy unIQUe l4ugHt3R~ - jejejeje! ThiZ TyP3 oF L4u9hT3R, sUm s@y, wuz oRig!nAllY uSeD bY oNl!ne mmoRPG g@meRz wHil3 tH3y pUmMeL oPp0n3nts 2 d gRoUnD. Jejejejeje!
Jejemons respect elders poehwz.
L@sTly, jej3m0nz aRe,, kN0wN 2 b v3rY~ k!nD nD r3speCtfUl, d3sp!te tHe!r wRiTin9 stYl3. It iz n0t uNuSuAl 4 j3jemonz 2 eNd aNy sent3nz w/ "po" - a s!gn of~ r3spEct 4 Filipinos. TH3r ar sveral vRsi0ns- frm d s!mpl3 "poh" 2 d mor iNteRestn9 "poewh" 2 d fLaMboUyant~ "phoewhzz" - tAk3 ur piCk pohw!!!!~~~ jejeje!
You are now a Jejemon!
Whew!That was quite a challenge to write (and READ, i bet!). Now writing in jejemon doesn't end in the text construction - it is much more than that - something I can never teach. Well, first that it is mostly in Tagalog-English or Tag-lish.
Nonetheless, I hope you were able to learn a thing or two from this exercise - at least now, you'll be able to read jejemon! Why don't you go ahead and try it out in the comments section? Hehe! Good luck and go forth, new jejemons!
"Jejemon" won as word of the year in Sawikaan 2010
Believe it, it's true. It beat out contenders “unli,” “load,” “tarpo,” “spam,” “solb,” “emo,” “namumutbol,” “Ondoy,” at “Ampatuan.”

Friday, May 14, 2010
Philippine Elections 2010 Results (update)
Dear visitors, I have stopped updating the numbers on this blog post. For real time results of the 2010 Philippine Presidential Elections, please head on over to the COMELEC website or the PPCRV Website.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Living Batangueño: Palaspas (Palm Sunday)
I was in Batangas during the Palm Sunday weekend this year and attended the 6AM mass at the Santissima Trinidad Parish (the one beside the SM Batangas Mall).
Here are some of my favorite photographs from that day. You can click on the photos to see them full sized.
I'm not used to waking up early, but I did that day. I'm not sure why. My whole life I've only been to a Palm Sunday mass maybe less than 5 times - or at least that's how many I remember....
Here is a back post I should have published a month ago but wasn't able to. It is part of my Living Batangueño series.

Here are some of my favorite photographs from that day. You can click on the photos to see them full sized.
The early Palm Sunday morning
I'm not used to waking up early, but I did that day. I'm not sure why. My whole life I've only been to a Palm Sunday mass maybe less than 5 times - or at least that's how many I remember....
Saturday, May 01, 2010
"Earning 10 in 2010" - April Online Earnings Update!
"Slam! Bam! Pok! Pow!", echoed as my monthly blogging target was pummeled by my actual online earnings this month. Lol! Not really. :p
But for the third month in a row, I've surpassed by $10 per month target in the heels of my joining a news website, plus new opportunities from Sponsored Reviews.
Oh, and Blogvertise finally paid me my $2! woot...
Earning 10 in 2010
Click image to view full size
"Slam! Bam! Pok! Pow!", echoed as my monthly blogging target was pummeled by my actual online earnings this month. Lol! Not really. :p
But for the third month in a row, I've surpassed by $10 per month target in the heels of my joining a news website, plus new opportunities from Sponsored Reviews.
Oh, and Blogvertise finally paid me my $2! woot...
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Name the Souvenir Magnets Contest
Collecting Souvenir Refrigerator Magnets
I'm a confused collector. Whenever I travel, I always try to get a Souvenir Refrigerator Magnet, but I also get snow globes, keychains, T-shirts, mugs and whatever else I can afford. :p Well, so far, my ref magnet collection is the biggest one.
Below is a photo of our old refrigerator door with the Souvenir Magnets I've collected over the years. It is a mix of local and internation travel destinations. There are 32 magnets here - can you identify where all of them come from? (Not counting the black GE logo!)
Identify all 32 magnets! Click the photo to view full size.
Join the contest...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Book Launch of “Balik-Tanaw: The Filipino Movie Stars of Yesteryears”
The Filipino Movie Stars of Yesteryears, a book launch
Mark your calendar, on May 22, the movie icons of the Golden Era of Philippine Movieworld will descend upon the Traders Hotel, Roxas Boulevard for an afternoon of singing and dancing, and most of all, reminiscing of about the lives of these elegant men and women of the Philippine movie industry.
Lets us join in celebrating the launching of a book, “Balik-Tanaw: The Filipino Movie Stars of Yesteryears” a compilation of snippets of the lives of actors and actresses who illuminated the silver screen from the 1930s to early 1960s. It was written by Dr. Romy Protacio, an aficionado of Philippine movies who had the rare chance of sharing friendships with most of the stars in his book....
Sunday, April 25, 2010
NBA player BJ Armstrong meet & greet at Velocity Bar
Last week, thanks to Marriott Hotel Manila, I got the rare opportunity to meet one of NBA's legends, former Chicago Bulls basketball player, Benjamin Roy Armstrong Jr., or B.J. Armstrong, also referred to as "B.J., The Kid."

Saturday, April 24, 2010
Wonderful Family Movies from Disney Exclusives
Growing up to Disney Movies
I've always love Disney movies. As I child I enjoyed movies like "The Lion King" [Oh I just can't wait to be King!], "Alice in Wonderland" [the animated version - and then later on the 3D version!], "The Little Mermaid" [The seaweed is always greener...], "Alladin" [A whole new world...] and "Beauty and the Beast" [Tale as old as time...].
Then came more wonderful movies like the "Toy Story" series, Quasimodo as "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", "Monsters, Inc." lovable characters, "Mulan" a wonderful story set in China, the incredibly entertaining "The Incredibles", these are movies I've watched over and over again that I've half memorized the lines.
Even as an adult, I still enjoyed Disney movies like the "Pirates of the Carribean" franchise, "Up!", "Chronicles of Narnia", "High School Musical", and so many others.
Disney's Movie Treasure Trove
And so I invite you to dig into the treasure trove of Disney movies, with a huge library of features and short films available though Disney Exclusives.There is a long list of Family friendly movies like "Condorman", which tells the story of a comic book writer who, by a twist of fate, lives the life of the characters he wrote about. I also recommend "Ducktales the Movie", a fast paced adventure featuring our favorite ducklings Huey, Dewey and Louie.
Just in time for Mother's Day, get "A Mom for Christmas" a heartwarming tale about Family and Love, and stars Olivia Newton-John.
Quality time with the family is priceless, and I always enjoy watching Disney movies with mine. What is your favorite Disney movie?
Monday, April 19, 2010
Lyrids Meteor Shower!
Lyrids Meteor Shower peaks on April 22
Figure 1. Photo credits to meteorshowersonline
From the PAGASA Website, it explains...
How will you choose your next President?
I am reposting this blog post in preparation for the coming Elections. I am hoping you all have internalized how you will choose your next President.
How to choose the next President...
Different people would have different basis for choosing a President. Some base it on a candidate's opinions on issues relevant to them, some base it on character, personality or even religion. Some base it on popularity, plain name recall or even looks. Some are in denial about that last one. :p Haha. Then again, c'mon really - who wants an ugly President?Kidding aside, since I am voting for the very first time in the last decade that I have been qualified to vote, I really want to put a lot of thought in this process of choosing who to vote for. I refuse to vote for a Presidential candidate with nothing but empty promises and motherhood statements. I want at least a hint of a detailed plan - a strategy if you may - of handling this huge undertaking.
Being President is a tough job no doubt: you have millions of stakeholders who need assistance and support, you are accountable for their lives, their security, their access to health benefits, you are accountable for the economy, and you need to find the money to fund all of your plans. Aside from that you also need to be a shining symbol of hope and prosperity for a country constantly battling poverty.
In an ideal world, the following are my criteria in choosing who should be my next President...
Friday, April 16, 2010
Charice releases "Pyramid" video, album on Oprah
Charice releases "Pyramid"

She will be announcing the release of her album via her 5th guesting on The Oprah Winfrey Show on May 11, 2010, a day after her 18th birthday.
As of today, April 15, 2010 - Thursday, "Pyramid" had spent 8 weeks on the Billboard Dance/Club Play Songs Chart and is current at #7. It has also entered the Canadian Hot 100 at #98.
I do like the song and think it is a great way for her to enter mainstream US pop music arena. I have to admit, the first time I heard it on the radio, I thought it was Jojo. But the more I listened the more I realized their differences.
"Pyramid" Official Video
The video is embedded on this post after the jump, but before you watch I want you to watch out for the following amusing things in the video...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Google Trends on 2010 Philippine Presidentiables - interesting!
Interesting how Google Trends the May 2010 Philippine Presidential candidates in the past 12 months (March 2009 to March 2010). See the actual Google Trend here.
Please take this with a grain of salt. I have no intentions of campaigning for anyone here - I just found it interesting to share. See, Google trends would probably also translate to popularity among a certain demographic - Pinoy Google Users. :p
Please take this with a grain of salt. I have no intentions of campaigning for anyone here - I just found it interesting to share. See, Google trends would probably also translate to popularity among a certain demographic - Pinoy Google Users. :p
click the photo to see more clearly
Sen. Manny Villar
Sen. Manny Villar leads the pack by a wide margin - notice how his Google searches surged in January 2010? It's when he revved up his campaign with "Akala Mo" and his viral theme song that begins... "Nakaligo ka na ba sa dagat ng basura?" Any marketer's dream haha! In March, his searches dropped off very steeply but remained at the top of the heap.Sen. Noynoy Aquino
As a relative comparison, giving Manny Villar 1.0, 2nd placer Sen. NoyNoy Aquino gets 0.74. Notice where NoyNoy's Google searches peak (marked by the letter A) - it was in September 2009, when NoyNoy announced his intentions to run for President. The smaller peak before that was in August when his mother, the late President Cory Aquino, died. He remained high in the searches but was not able to catch up to Villar's Google glory.
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